Had a great time at Dallas Market last Thursday. The Demdaco/Silvestri team were wonderful to work with again. This time during the Artist Meet and Mingle, the Artists greeted buyers at the front door as they entered for the cocktail party. It was really fun meeting the buyers. I actually met several from Oklahoma City!
Also, I got to meet more of the Artists with Demdaco. It was such fun meeting Lisa Frost. Her bright, fun, whimsical line is a true reflection of her.
I met Kris Lanae in Atlanta, and was happy to see her again in Dallas. Her jewelry line and wire elements are beautiful!
Below are some pictures of the Silvestri Showroom. My prints are part of the "Ooh La La" line.

In front of my products tucked in this Christmas tree! So cool!
After going to these two markets, I am so energized to create more!!! I have lots of new ideas and can't wait to get started!