On Friday, we ventured into an art gallery (
Franklin Bowles Galleries) with some really interesting pieces. As we talked to the Curator/Assistant Director of the Gallery, we learned about this incredible, Artist, Gottfried Salzmann. His work is amazing! He is in his 70's and has just started working in mixed medium. He is most known for his unbelievable watercolors. After talking to her for awhile, she told us the Art Opening was on Saturday Night and we were invited to come.
So, of course, in Okie style, we show up in our NYC finest, artsy attire, and sho nuff....we were on the list! So exciting! What fun to get to meet such an amazing, world renown Artist as Mr. Salzmann!

Water Color/Mixed Media
Fell in love with this watercolor! Sold, of course!
To see more of his amazing artwork, see gallery link above.
We also got to see a broadway show. We were given choices by our concierge and were having trouble deciding what to see...that is, what was available to see. We decided on Rock of Ages, a little skeptical, but so glad we chose it! Fun, eighties, rock and roll comedy! Apparently, a movie version is coming out..starring Tom Cruise.
And, finally, here we are on our last day in Central Park. Strolling around on a beautiful NYC day. (As you can see, we are getting a little tired! haha)