Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Darker Side

When I started this painting, I had no intention of it being dark and a little creepy. But, as I've said before, each piece takes on its own persona, and I just "go with it". I am very fond of this painting, not sure why...must be the gloomy side of me. We all have that side, mine just happened to show up in this painting!

Figment of My Imagination
30" x 40"

It is dark and rainy outside this morning,
so this seems the perfect day to expose my weird side! haha


Anonymous said...

LiNdA...i really love this painting. if this is your darker side, well, it's a good side! i am so happy for you that you now have time for your beautiful art...

Linda L. Land said...

Thank you, Franc...I miss you!